XML validering av:


Här kan du ladda upp din XML för att testa om den stämmer standarden för WarehouseOperationsInstruction.

Lagerjustering (Inventory Adjustment)

På denna sida kan du validera dina lagerjusterings-XML-dokument för att säkerställa att de är korrekta och följer de specifika kraven för lagerhantering. Genom att använda vår valideringstjänst kan du undvika problem som felaktiga lagersaldon eller felaktig inventeringsdata. Vi hjälper dig att se till att dina lagerjusteringsdokument är enhetliga och korrekta.

Beskrivning av filens innehåll och struktur

Level element Occurance Type Remark Example Applicable Codes Description
1 warehousingOperationsInstructionMessage 1-1 warehousing_operations_notification: WarehousingOperationsInstructionMessageType
xsd:sequence 1-1
2 sh:StandardBusinessDocumentHeader 1-1 sh:StandardBusinessDocumentHeader
xsd:secuence 1-1
3 HeaderVersion 1-1 xsd:string 3.3 Version number of the SBDH standard used.
3 Sender 1-1 sh:Partner Sender of the message, party representing the organization which created the standard business document.
xsd:sequence 1-1
4 Identifier 1-1 sh:PartnerIdentification GLN for receiver of the message 7350054730006 GS1 SBDH usage rule: The value of the 'identifier' element of 'PartnerIdentification' type MUST be a GLN as the identifier is mandatory with GS1 standards.
Authority xsd:string GS1
3 Receiver 1-1 sh:Partner Receiver of the message, party representing the organization which receives the standard business document.
xsd:sequence 1-1
4 Identifier 1-1 sh:PartnerIdentification GLN for receiver of the message 7393321400011 7393321400011 GS1 SBDH usage rule: The value of the 'identifier' element of the 'PartnerIdentification' MUST be a GLN as the identifier is mandatory with GS1 standards.
Authority xsd:string GS1 Authority agency of the identification key.
3 DocumentIdentification 1-1 sh:DocumentIdentification Identification information for the document
xsd:sequence 1-1
4 Standard 1-1 xsd:string GS1 The name of the document standard contained in the payload
4 TypeVersion 1-1 xsd:string 3.3 Version information of the document included in the payload of SBDH. This is the 'complete' version of the document itself and is different than the ‘HeaderVersion’.
4 InstanceIdentifier 1-1 xsd:string Message Id 2D90AC07-67A7-1A31-82CD- 0004AC196B68 Description which contains reference information which uniquely identifies this instance of the Standard Business Document (SBD) between the ‘Sender’ and the ‘Receiver’. This identifier identifies this document as being distinct from others.
4 Type 1-1 xsd:string InventoryReport InventoryReport This element identifies the type of the document.
4 CreationDateAndTime 1-1 sd:dateTime 2019-06-17T11:00:00.000 Date and time of the SBDH document creation.
2 warehousingOperationsInstruction 1-10000 warehousing_operations_instruction: WarehousingOperationsInstructionType
xsd:sequence 1-1
3 creationDateTime 1-1 xsd:dateTime 2019-06-17T11:00:00 Date and time when the document was created.
3 documentStatusCode 1-1 shared_common:DocumentStatusEnumerationType ORIGINAL Indicates if the document is a copy or an original.
3 warehousingOperationsInstructionIdentification 1-1 ecom_common:Ecom_EntityIdentificationType
xsd:sequence 1-1
4 entityIdentification 1-1 restriction (xsd:string) (text 35 pos) 456789 The unique identifier of the piece of information, such as the object id or the document id.
3 logisticServicesBuyer 1-1 ecom_common:TransactionalPartyType A party that provides logistics services to another party
xsd:sequence 1-1
4 gln 1-1 shared_common:GLNType GLN for buyer of the service 7350054730006
3 logisticServicesSeller 1-1 ecom_common:TransactionalPartyType A party that provides logistics services to another party
xsd:sequence 1-1
4 gln 1-1 shared_common:GLNType GLN for seller of the service 7393321400011 7393321400011 The Global Location Number (GLN) is the GS1 Identification Key used to identify physical locations or parties. The key is comprised of a GS1 Company Prefix, Location Reference, and Check Digit.
3 warehousingOperationsTransaction 1-n warehousing_operations_common: WarehousingOperationsTransactionType Needs to be created twice, one transaction for 'Out of Stock' and one for 'Into Stock' Transactions specifying the required changes to the inventory status.
xsd:sequence 1-1
4 transactionSequenceNumber 1-1 xsd:positiveInteger Number that prescribes the sequence in which the transactionsincluded in the messageneed to be processed.
4 warehousingOperationsLocation 1-n warehousing_operations_common: WarehousingOperationsLocationType Details on the inventory events for this transaction, organized by inventory location.
xsd:sequence 1-1
5 inventoryLocation 1-1 ecom_common:TransactionalPartyType The inventory location related to the included inventory events.
xsd:sequence 1-1
6 gln shared_common:GLNType GLN for warehouse 7350054730006 7393321010012 Helsingborg anl. 01 7393321030010 Norrköping anl. 03 7393321040019 Staffanstorp anl. 04 7393321050018 Traversvägen anl. 05 7393321060017 Göteborg anl. 06 7393321070016 Kumla anl. 07 7393321080022 Jorbro (Lagervägen) anl. 08 7393321170013 Vasatorp anl. 17 7393321180012 Bjuv anl. 18 7393321260011 Jordbro (Lillsjövägen) anl. 26 7080000366521 Rud anl. 52 7080000485086 Larvik anl. 51 The Global Location Number (GLN) is the GS1 Identification Key used to identify physical locations or parties. The key is comprised of a GS1 Company Prefix, Location Reference, and Check Digit.
5 tradeItemInventoryEvent 0-n warehousing_common:TradeItemInventoryEventType Information specifying an inventory activity of one or more trade items (of the same type) at a specific sub-location at a specific point in time.
xsd:sequence 1-1
6 gtin 0-1 shared_common:GTINType 7350054730006 The GS1 Identification Key used to identify trade items. The key comprises a GS1 Company Prefix, an Item Reference and Check Digit.
6 additionalTradeItemIdentification 0-n shared_common:AdditionalTradeItemIdentificationType (Text 8 pos) Supplier's article number 223344 Alternative means to the Global Trade Item Number to identify a trade item.
additionalTradeItemIdentificationTypeCode required restriction (xsd:string) SUPPLIER_ASSIGNED SUPPLIER_ASSIGNED Code specifying the type of additional trade item identification being provided.
6 tradeItemQuantity 0-1 shared_common:QuantityType (Numeric 7 pos) Quantity 9 Specification of the number of units of the trade item. To be applied when no other quantity information, such as the requested quantity or the billed quantity, is present.
measurementUnitCode required restriction (xsd:string) PCE PCE Any standardized, reproducible unit that can be used to measure any physical property. Allowed code values are specified in UN/ECE Recommendation 20 - Fully Adopted by GS1.
6 productVariantIdentifier 0-1 restriction (xsd:string) (Text 2 pos) Product variant 00 Text identifying a variant of the product, for example for promotional reasons.
6 transactionalItemData 0-n ecom_common:TransactionalItemDataType Dynamic characteristics used to specify individual instances of a trade item, such as the best before date, batch number or serial number.
xsd:sequence 1-1
7 batchNumber 0-1 restriction (xsd:string) (Text 6 pos) Batch Number 110621 A batch unites products or items that have undergone or are grouped together to undergo the same transformation process, not necessarily a production process.
7 bestBeforeDate 0-1 xsd:date Best Before Date 2022-07-24 The date before which the product is best used or consumed. It is a statement about quality.
6 inventoryBusinessStepCode 1-1 warehousing_common:InventoryBusinessStepCodeType STATUS_CHANGING quantity_adjustment STATUS_CHANGING quantity_adjustment Denotes a specific activity within a business process. The business step code of an event specifies what business process step was taking place that caused the event.
6 inventoryDispositionCode 1-1 warehousing_common:InventoryDispositionCodeType ACTIVE ACTIVE The inventory disposition code specifies the business condition of the inventory that is subject of the event.
6 inventoryMovementTypeCode 0-1 ecom_common:InventoryMovementTypeCodeType MOVING_INVENTORY_OUT_OF_INVENTORY MOVING_INVENTORY_INTO_INVENTORY MOVING_INVENTORY_OUT_OF_INVENTORY Code specifying whether the reported activity leads to an increase or decrease of the inventory quantity.
6 inventorySubLocation 1-1 ecom_common:InventorySubLocationType The inventory sub location related to the event.
xsd:sequence 1-1
7 additionalPartyIdentification 0-n shared_common:AdditionalPartyIdentificationType AVAILABLE_FOR_SALE AVAILABLE_FOR_SALE, BLOCKED, QUARANTINED, RESTRICTED_USE, RETURNED Identifier of the sub-location other than the GLN.
6 logisticUnitReference 0-n warehousing_common:LogisticUnitReferenceType The logistic units that hold the trade item subject to the event.
xsd:sequence 1-1
7 sscc 1-1 shared_common:SSCCType 950110102081858960 The GS1 Identification Key used to identify logistics units. The key comprises an Extension digit, GS1 Company Prefix, Serial Reference, and Check Digit.