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Här kan du ladda upp din XML för att testa om den stämmer standarden för WarehouseInboundInstruction.
Här kan du ladda upp din XML för att testa om den stämmer standarden för WarehouseInboundInstruction.
På denna sida kan du validera och säkerställa att dina inköpsorder-XML-dokument följer de specificerade standarderna. Genom att använda vår valideringstjänst kan du säkerställa att dina inköpsorderdata är korrekta och uppfyller de nödvändiga kraven för smidig och effektiv varuhantering.
Level | Element/Attribute | Occurance | Type | Remark | Example | Applicable Codes | Description |
1 | warehousingInboundInstructionMessage | 1-1 | warehousing-inboud_instruction:WarehousingInboundInstructionMessageType | ||||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
2 | sh:StandardBusinessDocumentHeader | 1-1 | sh:StandardBusinessDocumentHeader | ||||
xsd:secuence | 1-1 | ||||||
3 | HeaderVersion | 1-1 | xsd:string | 3.3 | Version number of the SBDH standard used. | ||
3 | Sender | 1-1 | sh:Partner | Sender of the message, party representing the organization which created the standard business document. | |||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
4 | Identifier | 1-1 | sh:PartnerIdentification | GLN for receiver of the message | 7350054730006 | GS1 SBDH usage rule: The value of the 'identifier' element of 'PartnerIdentification' type MUST be a GLN as the identifier is mandatory with GS1 standards. | |
Authority | xsd:string | GS1 | |||||
3 | Receiver | 1-1 | sh:Partner | Receiver of the message, party representing the organization which receives the standard business document. | |||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
4 | Identifier | 1-1 | sh:PartnerIdentification | GLN for receiver of the message | 7393321400011 | 7393321400011 | GS1 SBDH usage rule: The value of the 'identifier' element of the 'PartnerIdentification' MUST be a GLN as the identifier is mandatory with GS1 standards. |
Authority | xsd:string | GS1 | Authority agency of the identification key. | ||||
3 | DocumentIdentification | 1-1 | sh:DocumentIdentification | ||||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
4 | Standard | 1-1 | xsd:string | GS1 | The name of the document standard contained in the payload | ||
4 | TypeVersion | 1-1 | xsd:string | ||||
1-1 | 3.3 | Version information of the document included in the payload of SBDH. This is the 'complete' version of the document itself and is different than the ‘HeaderVersion’. | |||||
4 | InstanceIdentifier | 1-1 | xsd:string | Message Id | 192ad3ad-208e-4786-908f- 611184075c81 | Description which contains reference information which uniquely identifies this instance of the Standard Business Document (SBD) between the ‘Sender’ and the ‘Receiver’. This identifier identifies this document as being distinct from others. | |
4 | Type | 1-1 | xsd:string | WarehousingInboundInstruction | WarehousingInboundInstruction | This element identifies the type of the document. | |
4 | CreationDateAndTime | 1-1 | sd:dateTime | 2019-06-17T11:00:00.000 | Date and time of the SBDH document creation. | ||
2 | warehousingInboundInstruction | 1-10000 | warehousing_inbound_instruction: WarehousingInboundInstructionTyp e | ||||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
3 | creationDateTime | 1-1 | xsd:dateTime | 2019-06-17T11:00:00 | Date and time when the document was created. | ||
3 | documentStatusCode | 1-1 | shared_common:DocumentStatusEnumerationType | ORIGINAL | ORIGINAL | Indicates if the document is a copy or an original. | |
3 | documentActionCode | 1-1 | shared_common:DocumentActionEn umerationType | Type of action for the order | ADD | ADD CHANGE_BY_REFRESH DELETE |
Code specifying the action to be taken in the system of the recipient using the information in the document. |
3 | warehousingInboundInstructionIdentification | 1-1 | ecom_common:TransactionalPartyTy pe | ||||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
4 | entityIdentification | 1-1 | restriction (xsd:string) (text 35 pos) | Purchase Order Number | 456789 | The unique identifier of the piece of information, such as the object id or the document id. | |
3 | logisticServicesBuyer | 1-1 | |||||
1-1 | |||||||
4 | gin | 0-1 | shared_common:GLNType | GLN for buyer of the service | 7350054730006 | ||
4 | additionalPartyIdentification | 0-1 | shared_common:AdditionalPartyIdentificationType (Length 1..80) | Only used for Customer Id for Freight Payer | 894563 | ||
additionalPartyIdentificationTypeCode | 1-1 | restriction (xsd:string) (Length 1..80 | Frigo code, due to no appropreate code in GS1 standard | OwnerOfTheOperation_Assigned | OwnerOfTheOperation_Assigned | ||
4 | adress | 0-1 | shared_common:AddressType | ||||
xsd:sequence | |||||||
5 | name | 0-1 | restriction (xsd:string) (Length 1..200) | Only used for Freight Payer Name | AB Fraktbetalaren | ||
3 | logisticServicesSeller | 1-1 | ecom_common:TransactionalPartyType | ||||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
4 | gin | 1-1 | shared_common:GLNType | GLN for seller of the service | 7393321400011 | 7393321400011 | The Global Location Number (GLN) is the GS1 Identification Key used to identify physical locations or parties. The key is comprised of a GS1 Company Prefix, Location Reference, and Check Digit. |
3 | warehousingInboundInstructionShipment | warehousing_outbound_instruction: WarehousingOutboundInstructionShipmentType | |||||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
4 | shipper | 1-1 | ecom_common:TransactionalPartyType | A party which engages in shipping this shipment of goods. | |||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
5 | gin | shared_common:GLNType | GLN for shipper (warehouse) | 7350054730006 | The Global Location Number (GLN) is the GS1 Identification Key used to identify physical locations or parties. The key is comprised of a GS1 Company Prefix, Location Reference, and Check Digit. | ||
5 | additionalPartyIdentification | 0-n | shared_common:AdditionalPartyIdentificationType Restriction Numeric 8 pos |
additionalPartyIdentificationTypeCode | required | restriction(xsd:string) | FrigoPalletRegNo | FrigoPalletRegNo | Frigo code, due to no appripreate code in GS1 standard | ||
5 | address | 0-1 | shared_common:AddressType | ||||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
6 | city | 0-1 | restriction (xsd:string) (Text 29 pos) | City for Shipper | Helsingborg | Text specifying the name of the city. | |
6 | countryCode Occurence | 0-1 | shared_common:CountryCodeType(Length 1..80) | Country Code for Shipper | SE | Code specifying the country for the address. (ISO 3166) | |
6 | name | 0-1 | restriction (xsd:string) (Text 30 pos) | Name for Shipper | Testbolaget AB | The name of the party expressed in text. | |
6 | postalCode | 0-1 | restriction (xsd:string) (numeric 5pos) | Postal Code for Shipper | 25592 | Text specifying the postal code for an address. | |
6 | streetAddressOne | 0-1 | restriction (xsd:string) (Text 30 pos) | Street Address for Shipper | Landskronavägen 9 | The first free form line of an address, This first part is printed on paper as the first line below the name. For example, the name of the street and the number in the street or the name of a building. | |
6 | streetAddressTwo | 0-1 | restriction (xsd:string) (Text 30 pos) | To be used for additinal address information, for the shipper | Att. Kalle Lager | The second free form line of an address, This second part is printed on paper as the second line below the name. The second free form line complements the first free form line to locate the party e.g. floor number, name of a building, suite number. | |
4 | receiver | 1-1 | ecom_common:TransactionalPartyType | A party which engages in receiving this shipment of goods. | |||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
5 | gin | 1-1 | shared_common:GLNType | GLN for Customer | 7393321010012 | The Global Location Number (GLN) is the GS1 Identification Key used to identify physical locations or parties. The key is comprised of a GS1 Company Prefix, Location Reference, and Check Digit. | |
4 | buyer | 0-1 | ecom_common:TransactionalPartyType | Identifies the party to which products or services are sold. | |||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
5 | gin | 0-1 | shared_common:GLNType | GLN for buyer | 7350054730006 | The Global Location Number (GLN) is the GS1 Identification Key used to identify physical locations or parties. The key is comprised of a GS1 Company Prefix, Location Reference, and Check Digit. | |
5 | additionalPartyIdentification | 0-n | shared_common:AdditionalPartyIdentificationType Restriction Numeric 8 pos |
Customer id for exchangable pallet system (PÖS) | 456789 | Identifier of the party or location, specified in addition to the GLN. | |
4 | shipTo | 1-1 | ecom_common:TransactionalPartyType | The physical location to where goods will be or have been shipped. | |||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
5 | gin | 0-1 | shared_common:GLNType | GLN for receiver (Warehouse) | 7393321010012 | The Global Location Number (GLN) is the GS1 Identification Key used to identify physical locations or parties. The key is comprised of a GS1 Company Prefix, Location Reference, and Check Digit. | |
5 | additionalPartyIdentification | 0-n | shared_common:AdditionalPartyIdentificationType Restriction Numeric 8 pos |
Customer id for exchangable pallet system (PÖS) | 12458 | Identifier of the party or location, specified in addition to the GLN. | |
additionalPartyIdentificationTypeCode | required | restriction(xsd:string) | FrigoPalletRegNo | FrigoPalletRegNo | Frigo code, due to no appripreate code in GS1 standard | ||
4 | inventoryLocation | 1-1 | ecom_common:TransactionalPartyType | Identification of the location (premises) where the goods will be stored. | |||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
5 | entityIdentification | 1-1 | restriction (xsd:string) (Text 35 pos) | Customer reference number | ABC1234 | The unique identifier of the piece of information, such as the object id or the document id. | |
5 | transactionalReferenceTypeCode | 1-1 | ecom_common:TransactionalReferenceTypeCodeType | CR | CR Customer Reference Number | ||
4 | warehousingReceiptTypeCode | 1-1 | warehousing_inbound_instruction: WarehousingReceiptTypeCodeType | REGULAR_RECEIPT | REGULAR_RECEIPT -Normal receipt, no special actions required. | Code specifying the type of receipt, in order to inform the receiving party how to process the receipt. | |
4 | plannedReceipt | 1-1 | ecom_common:LogisticEventType | Date and time the goods are planned to be delivered. | |||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
logisticEventTypeCode | 0-1 | ecom_common:LogisticEventTypeCodeType | TERMINAL_ARRIVAL | TERMINAL_ARRIVAL | Code specifying the type of logistic event. | ||
5 | logisticEventDateTime | 0-1 | shared_common:DateOptionalTimeType | The date and time on which the logistic event occurs. | |||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
6 | date | 1-1 | xsd:date | Arrival date | 2019-06-19 | The specification of a day as calendar date. | |
time | 0-1 | xsd:time | 15:00:00 | The specification of a point in time during the day. | |||
4 | carrierPickUpDropOffDetails | 0-1 | ecom_common:CarrierPickUpDropOffDetailsType | Details on the carrier that will deliver the goods. | |||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
5 | carrier | 0-1 | ecom_common:TransactionalPartyType | The party that will collect, transport and deliver the goods. | |||
xsd:Sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
6 | additionalPartyIdentification | 0-n | warehousing_common: WarehousingServiceInstructionType | Needs to be agreed if service should be used | Details on one or more services to be performed by the logistic services seller during inbound processing. | ||
additionalPartyIdentificationTypeCode | required | restriction(xsd:string) | OwnerOfTheOperation_Assigned | OwnerOfTheOperation_Assigned | Frigo code, du to no appropreate code in GS1 standard | ||
4 | inlineServiceInstruction | 0-n | warehousing_common: WarehousingServiceInstructionType | Needs to be agreed if service should be used | |||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
warehousingServiceConditionCode | 1-1 | shared_common:CodeType | To indicate Inbound scanning | Inbound_Scanning | Inbound_Scanning | ||
4 | warehousingInboundInstructionShipmentItem | 0-n | warehousing_inbound_instruction: WarehousingInboundInstructionShipmentItemType | ||||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
5 | lineItemNumber | 1-1 | xsd:positiveInteger (Numeric 4 pos) | Line Number | 1 | The sequence number for this shipment item. | |
5 | transactionalTradeItem | 1-1 | ecom_common:TransactionalTradeIt emType | ||||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
6 | gtin | 0-1 | shared_common:GTINType | 17321576445188 | The GS1 Identification Key used to identify trade items. The key comprises a GS1 Company Prefix, an Item Reference and Check Digit. | ||
6 | additionalTradeItemIdentification | 0-n | shared_common:AdditionalTradeIte mIdentificationType (Text 8 pos) | Supplier's article Number Buyer's article Number |
223344 654321 |
Alternative means to the Global Trade Item Number to identify a trade item. | |
additionalTradeItemIdentificationTypeCode | required | restriction(xsd:string) | SUPPLIER_ASSIGNED BUYER_ASSIGNED |
Code specifying the type of additional trade item identification being provided. | ||
6 | tradeItemQuantity | 0-1 | shared_common:QuantityType(numeric 7 pos) | Despatch quantity | 9 | Specification of the number of units of the trade item. To be applied when no other quantity information, such as the requested quantity or the billed quantity, is present. | |
measurementUnitCode | required | restricted(xsd:string) | PCE | PCE | Any standardized, reproducible unit that can be used to measure any physical property. Allowed code values are specified in UN/ECE Recommendation 20 - Fully Adopted by GS1. | ||
6 | productVariantIdentifier | 0-1 | restriction (xsd:string) (Text 2 pos) | Product variant | 00 | Text identifying a variant of the product, for example for promotional reasons. | |
6 | transactionalItemData | 0-n | ecom_common:TransactionalItemDataType | ||||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
7 | batchNumber | 0-1 | restriction (xsd:string) (Text 6 pos) | Batch Number | 110621 | A batch unites products or items that have undergone or are grouped together to undergo the same transformation process, not necessarily a production process. | |
7 | bestBeforeDate | 1-1 | xsd:date | Best Before Date | 2020-06-30 | The date before which the product is best used or consumed. It is a statement about quality. | |
7 | transactionalItemWeight | 0-n | ecom_common:UnitMeasurementTy pe | ||||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
8 | measurementType | 1-1 | ecom_common:MeasurementTypeCodeType | Frigo code, due to no appropriate code in GS1 standard | OrderLineNetWeight | OrderLineNetWeight | Code specifying the type of measurement, for example "Gross Weight". |
8 | measurementValue | 1-1 | shared_common:MeasurementType (Numeric 11 pos (2 decimals)) | Total net weight for the order line | 500 | Value of the attribute measured. | |
measurementUnitCode | required | restriction (xsd:string) | required | KGM | KGM | ||
5 | logisticUnit | 0-n | ecom_common:LogisticUnitType | Note - only one logistic unit can be handled for each order line | Information on the logistic unit quantity of the trade item contained in it. | ||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
6 | sscc | 1-1 | shared_common:SSCCType (numeric SSCC 8 pos) | 950110102081858960 | Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC),the GS1 key used for the identification of logistic unit |