XML validering av:
Här kan du ladda upp din XML för att testa om den stämmer standarden för ItemDataNotification.
Här kan du ladda upp din XML för att testa om den stämmer standarden för ItemDataNotification.
Här kan du validera dina XML-dokument för artikelinformation och säkerställa att de följer de gällande standarderna. Genom att använda vår valideringstjänst kan du vara säker på att dina artikeldata är korrekta, fullständiga och följer de nödvändiga strukturerna för smidig hantering av artikelinformation.
Level | Element/Attribute | Occurance | Type | Remark | Example | Applicable Codes | Description |
1 | itemDataNotificationMessage | item_data_notification:ItemDataNotif icationMessageType | |||||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
2 | sh:StandardBusinessDocumentHeader | 1-1 | sh:StandardBusinessDocumentHeader | ||||
xsd:secuence | 1-1 | ||||||
3 | HeaderVersion | 1-1 | xsd:string | 3.3 | Version number of the SBDH standard used. | ||
3 | Sender | 1-1 | sh:Partner | Sender of the message, party representing the organization which created the standard business document. | |||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
4 | Identifier | sh:PartnerIdentification | GLN for receiver of the message | 1-1 | 7350054730006 | GS1 SBDH usage rule: The value of the 'identifier' element of 'PartnerIdentification' type MUST be a GLN as the identifier is mandatory with GS1 standards. | |
Authority | xsd:string | GS1 | |||||
3 | Receiver | 1-1 | sh:Partner | Receiver of the message, party representing the organization which receives the standard business document. | |||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
4 | Identifier | 1-1 | sh:PartnerIdentification | GLN for receiver of the message | 7393321400011 | 7393321400011 | GS1 SBDH usage rule: The value of the 'identifier' element of the 'PartnerIdentification' MUST be a GLN as the identifier is mandatory with GS1 standards. |
Authority | xsd:string | GS1 | Authority agency of the identification key. | ||||
3 | DocumentIdentification | 1-1 | sh:DocumentIdentification | ||||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
4 | Standard | 1-1 | xsd:string | GS1 | The name of the document standard contained in the payload | ||
4 | TypeVersion | 1-1 | xsd:string | 3.3 | Version information of the document included in the payload of SBDH. This is the 'complete' version of the document itself and is different than the ‘HeaderVersion’. | ||
4 | InstanceIdentifier | 1-1 | xsd:string | Message Id | 192ad3ad-208e-4786-908f- 611184075c81 | Description which contains reference information which uniquely identifies this instance of the Standard Business Document (SBD) between the ‘Sender’ and the ‘Receiver’. This identifier identifies this document as being distinct from others. | |
4 | Type | 1-1 | xsd:string | WarehousingInboundInstruction | WarehousingInboundInstruction | This element identifies the type of the document. | |
4 | CreationDateAndTime | 1-1 | sd:dateTime | 2019-06-17T11:00:00.000 | Date and time of the SBDH document creation. | ||
2 | ItemDataNOtification | 1-10000 | item_data_notification:ItemDataNotif icationType | ||||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
3 | creationDateTime | 1-1 | xsd:dateTime | 2019-06-17T11:00:00 | Date and time when the document was created. | ||
3 | documentStatusCode | 1-1 | shared_common:DocumentStatusEnumerationType | ORIGINAL | ORIGINAL | Indicates if the document is a copy or an original. | |
3 | itemDataNotificationIdentification | 1-1 | ecom_common:Ecom_EntityIdentificationType | ||||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
4 | entityIdentification | 1-1 | restriction (xsd:string) (text 35 pos) | Document Id | ABCDE0001 | The unique identifier of the piece of information, such as the object id or the document id. | |
3 | dataSource | 1-1 | ecom_common:TransactionalPartyType | The party who sends the item information. | |||
xsd:Sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
4 | gin | 0-1 | shared_common:GLNType | GLN for sender of the information. | 7350054730006 | The Global Location Number (GLN) is the GS1 Identification Key used to identify physical locations or parties. The key is comprised of a GS1 Company Prefix, Location Reference, and Check Digit. | |
3 | dataRecipient | 1-1 | ecom_common:TransactionalPartyType | The party who recieves the item information. | |||
xsd:Sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
4 | gin | 0-1 | shared_common:GLNType | GLN for the warehouse where the articles are stored | 7350054730006 | 7393321010012 Helsingborg anl. 01 7393321030010 Norrköping anl. 03 7393321040019 Staffanstorp anl. 04 7393321050018 Traversvägen anl. 05 7393321060017 Göteborg anl. 06 7393321070016 Kumla anl. 07 7393321080022 Jorbro (Lagervägen) anl. 08 7393321170013 Vasatorp anl. 17 7393321180012 Bjuv anl. 18 7393321260011 Jordbro (Lillsjövägen) anl. 26 7080000366521 Rud anl. 52 7080000485086 Larvik anl. 51 |
The Global Location Number (GLN) is the GS1 Identification Key used to identify physical locations or parties. The key is comprised of a GS1 Company Prefix, Location Reference, and Check Digit. |
3 | itemDataNotificationLineItem | 1-n | item_data_notification:ItemDataNotificationLineItemType | ||||
xsd:sequence | |||||||
4 | lineItemNumber | 1-1 | xsd:positiveInteger | Line Number | 1 | Provides the line number associated to the Item Data Notification Line Item. | |
4 | tradeItemDescription | 0-n | shared_common:Description1000Type (text 30 pos) | Item Description | 9 MINI-BURGERS FOIE GRAS | Details on the inventory events for this transaction, organized by inventory location. | |
languageCode | required | EN | A code representing the language used in the description. | ||||
4 | productVariantIdentifier | 0-1 | restriction (xsd:string) (Text 2 pos) | Product Variant linked to gtin | 00 | Text identifying a variant of the product, for example for promotional reasons. | |
4 | tradeItemUnitDescriptorCode | 0-1 | ecom_common:TradeItemUnitDescriptorCodeType | Base Unit to be ordered | CASE | CASE | Code specifying a trade item unit. Allowed code values are specified in GS1 Code List TradeItemUnitDescriptorCode. |
4 | tradeItemIdentification | 1-1 | ecom_common:Ecom_TradeItemIdentificationType | ||||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
5 | gtin | 0-1 | shared_common:GLNType | GTIN | 7350020721793 | The Global Location Number (GLN) is the GS1 Identification Key used to identify physical locations or parties. The key is comprised of a GS1 Company Prefix, Location Reference, and Check Digit. | |
5 | additionalTradeItemIdentification | 0-n | shared_common:AdditionalTradeItemIdentificationType (Numeric see remark) | Supplier's article number (8 pos) Buyer's article number (14 pos) |
123456 9875421 |
Alternative means to the Global Trade Item Number to identify a trade item. | |
additionalTradeItemIdentificationTypeCode | required | restriction(xsd:string) | SUPPLIER_ASSIGNED | SUPPLIER_ASSIGNED BUYER_ASSIGNED |
Code specifying the type of additional trade item identification being provided. | ||
4 | itemDataTradingPartnerNeutral | 0-1 | item_data_notification: ItemDataTradingPartnerNeutralType | Specification of the number of units of. the trade item. To be applied when no other quantity information, such as the requested quantity or the billed quantity, is present. | |||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
5 | effectiveDateTime | 1-1 | ecom_common:TransactionalPartyType | xsd:dateTime | 2019-07-31T10:45:00 | Date as of which the information of the master data is valid. | |
5 | tradeItemBaseUnitOfMeasure | 1-1 | shared_common:MeasurementUnitCodeType | Base Unit to be ordered | CT | CT-Carton | The default Unit of Measure used for the full order to pay process. |
5 | startAvailabilityDateTime | 1-1 | xsd:dateTime | 2019-08-05T10:40:00 | Date as of which the trade item is available. | ||
5 | itemDataWeightAndDimension | 0-1 | item_data_notification: ItemDataWeightAndDimensionType | ||||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
6 | depth | 0-1 | shared_common:MeasurementType (Numeric 30 pos) | Depth | 70 | The measurement from front to back of the trade item. Measurements are relative to how the cus- tomer normally views the trade item. | |
measurementUnitCode | required | restriction(xsd:String) | CMT | CMT- Centimetre | Any standardized, reproducible unit that can be used to measure any physical property. Allowed code values are specified in UN/ECE Recommendation 20 - Fully Adopted by GS1. | ||
6 | grossWeight | 0-1 | shared_common:MeasurementType(Numeric 8 pos, 3 decimal) | Gross Weight | 5 | Used to identify the gross weight of the trade item. The gross weight includes all packaging materials of the trade item. At pallet level the gross weight includes the weight of the pallet itself. | |
measurementUnitCode | required | restriction(xsd:String) | KGM | KGM- Kilogram | Any standardized, reproducible unit that can be used to measure any physical property. Allowed code values are specified in UN/ECE Recommendation 20 - Fully Adopted by GS1. | ||
6 | height | 0-1 | shared_common:MeasurementType(Numeric 3 pos) | Height | 50 | The measurement of the height of the trade item. The vertical dimension from the lowest extremity to the highest extremity, including packaging. At a pallet level the trade item height will include the height of the pallet itself. | |
measurementUnitCode | required | restriction(xsd:String) | KGM | KGM- Kilogram | |||
6 | netWeight | 0-1 | shared_common:MeasurementType(Numeric 8 pos, 3 decimal) | Net Weight | 4.5 | Used to identify the net weight of the trade item. Net weight excludes the weight of any packaging materials. | |
measurementUnitCode | required | restriction(xsd:String) | KGM | KGM- Kilogram | |||
6 | width | 0-1 | shared_common:MeasurementType(Numeric 3 pos) | Width | 70 | The measurement of the extent of something from side to side. Width is the measurement from left to right. | |
measurementUnitCode | required | restriction(xsd:String) | KGM | KGM- Kilogram | |||
5 | avpList | 0-1 | ecom_common:Ecom_AttributeValuePairListType | The placeholder for non-standard data. | |||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
6 | eComStringAttributeValuePairList | 0-1 | ecom_common:EcomStringAttributeValuePairListType | Nature Of Cargo | Frozen | Chilled Dry Frozen |
attributeName | required | shared_common:String70Type | NatureOfCargo | NatureOfCargo | |||
4 | itemDataTradingPartnerDependent | 0-1 | ecom_common:Ecom_AttributeValuePairListType | The Placeholder fofr non-standard data. | |||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
5 | tradeItemSpecificUnitOfMeasure | 1-1 | shared_common:MeasurementUnitCodeType | CT | CT-Carton | The Unit of Measure associated with a specific instance of the trade item. This unit of measure will override the relationship independent Unit of Measure. | |
5 | minimumRemainingShelfLifeInbound | 0-1 | hared_common:TimeMeasurementType | 100 | The length of time a material, substance, product, or reagent can be stored under specified environmental conditions and continue to meet all applicable specification requirements and/or remain suitable for its intended function. This is the shelf life for products intended to be used by the receiving party. | ||
timeMeasurementUnitCode | required | restriction(xsd:string) | DAY | DAY - Dagar | Any standardized, reproducible unit that can be used to measure any physical property. Allowed code values are specified in UN/ECE Recommendation 20 - Fully Adopted by GS1. | ||
5 | minimumRemainingShelfLifeOutbound | 0-1 | hared_common:TimeMeasurementType | 100 | The length of time a material, substance, product, or reagent can be stored under specified environmental conditions and continue to meet all applicable specification requirements and/or remain suitable for its intended function. This is the shelf life for products intended to be used by the receiving party. | ||
timeMeasurementUnitCode | required | restriction(xsd:string) | DAY | DAY - Dagar | Any standardized, reproducible unit that can be used to measure any physical property. Allowed code values are specified in UN/ECE Recommendation 20 - Fully Adopted by GS1. | ||
5 | itemDataLogisticUnitInformation | 0-n | item_data_notification: ItemDataLogisticUnitInformationType | ||||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
6 | tradeItemQuantity | 1-1 | shared_common:QuantityType (numeric 7 pos) | Number of units linked to packageTypeCode | 50 | Provides quantity value and an associated unit of measure code. | |
measurementUnitCode | required | restrioction(xsd:string) | CT | CT-Carton | Any standardized, reproducible unit that can be used to measure any physical property. Allowed code values are specified in UN/ECE Recommendation 20 - Fully Adopted by GS1. | ||
6 | packageTypeCode | 0-1 | ecom_commonPackageTypeCodeType | DPak to be used for consumer package 201 to be used for pallet |
201 | 201 - Standard Pallet DPak - Consumer package |
Code specifying a package type. Allowed code values are specified in UN/ECE Recommendation 21, extended by GS1 |
6 | tradeItemQuantityPerLayer | 0-1 | shared_common:QuantityType(Numeric 3 pos) | Number of cartons in a layer | 10 | Provides quantity value and an associated unit of measure code. | |
6 | numberOfLayer | 0-1 | xsd:positiveInteger (numeric 3 pos) | Numbers of Layers on a pallet | 5 | FrigoPalletRegNo | The number of layers that a pallet contains. Only used if the pallet has no GTIN. It indicates the number of layers that a pallet contains, according to supplier or retailer preferences. |
6 | grossWeight | 0-1 | shared_common:MeasurementType | Gross weight for the PackageType | 300 | Used to identify the gross weight of the trade item. The gross weight includes all packaging materials of the trade item. At pallet level the gross weight includes the weight of the pallet itself. | |
6 | netWeight | 0-1 | shared_common:MeasurementType | Net weight for the PackageType | 225 | Used to identify the net weight of the trade item. Net weight excludes any packaging materials. | |
6 | dimensionsOfLogisticUnit | 0-n | shared_common:DimensionType | Information specifying the physical dimensions of a specific logistic unit. | |||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
7 | depth | 1-1 | shared_common:MeasurementType | Depth for the PackageType | 350 | Measurement of the distance between the front and the back. | |
measurementCode | required | restriction(xsd:string) | CMT | CMT - Centimetre | Any standardized, reproducible unit that can be used to measure any physical property. Allowed code values are specified in UN/ECE Recommendation 20 - Fully Adopted by GS1. | ||
7 | height | 1-1 | shared_common:MeasurementType | Height for the PackageType | 250 | The vertical dimension from the lowest extremity to the highest extremity. | |
measurementCode | required | restriction(xsd:string) | CMT | CMT - Centimetre | Any standardized, reproducible unit that can be used to measure any physical property. Allowed code values are specified in UN/ECE Recommendation 20 - Fully Adopted by GS1. | ||
7 | width | 0-1 | shared_common:MeasurementType | Widthfor the PackageType | 350 | The measurement of the extent of something from side to side. Width is the measurement from left to right. | |
measurementCode | required | restriction(xsd:string) | CMT | CMT - Centimetre | Any standardized, reproducible unit that can be used to measure any physical property. Allowed code values are specified in UN/ECE Recommendation 20 - Fully Adopted by GS1. | ||
5 | eCom_common:Ecom_AttrubiteValuePairListType | 1-1 | ecom_common:LogisticEventType | Date and time the goods are planned to be delivered. | |||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
6 | eComStringAttributeValuePairList | 0-1 | eCom_common:Ecom_AttrubiteValuePairListType | Y | Y - Yes N - No |
attributeName | required | shared_common:String70Type | BatchManagementRequired | BatchManagementRequired | |||
4 | avpList | 0-1 | eCom_common:Ecom_AttrubiteValuePairListType | ||||
xsd:sequence | 1-1 | ||||||
5 | eComStringAttributeValuePairList | 0-1 | eCom_common:Ecom_AttrubiteValuePairListType | 00 | |||
attributeName | required | shared_common:String70Type | ProductVariantIdentifierSupplier_Assigned | ProductVariantIdentifierBuyerr_Assigned ProductVariantIdentifierSupplier_Assigned |